2011 Coltsville Vintage Base Ball League Champions
The Alert Fire Hose Company capped its inaugural season in the Coltsville Vintage Base Ball League (CVBBL) by capturing the 2011 championship. An air of gentlemanly sportsmanship permeated the atmosphere as the Alerts played Barnie’s Blue Boys in a spirited match on October 15, 2011. It was base ball at its best and a perfect example of what this league represents.
The Alert Fire Hose Company are:
- Bill “Firehouse” Abbott, Captain
- Billy “Sniper” Abbott
- Matt “Guns” Abbott
- Lauren “Bullet” Gagnon
- Tom “Halfway” Hare
- Steve “Ragweed” Karavolis
- Donald Laperle
- Bobby “One Shoe” Ratzenberger
- Roger “Molasses” Ratzenberger
- John “Hammer” Saitta
- Greg “Sarge” Sargis
- Scott “Pig Pen” Sheahen
- Brianna “Bumper” Sullivan
- Andy “Porter” Venturo
- James “Crazy Legs” Wigren
Here’s a video tribute to the Alert Fire Hose Company’s Inaugural season.